Ivey's Blog
Magnificent fund raising achievement to help Padstow Lifeboat Crew

As our guests know, we hold barbecues on our beach at Mother Ivey’s every Wednesday evening throughout the summer, to raise money for the Padstow Lifeboat Crew Fund.
This year, we are delighted to announce that with the help of our guests and others who attended the barbecues in 2021 we have raised a mighty £3,000.
On Wednesday 10th November some of the team from Mother Ivey’s Bay Holiday Park visited Padstow Lifeboat Station to meet with the crew, and to present them with the funds raised for their cause.
“We are incredibly grateful to everyone who helped raise such a superb sum of money,” said Richard Pitman who is the Coxwain for the Padstow RNLI Lifeboat.
“For quite a while we have been hoping to purchase a ‘danbury’ to help with our training and this money will enable us to do this,” he added.
Mechanic, Mike England, also present to receive the funds said that, “In previous years the donations raised from the RNLI barbecues at Mother Ivey’s Bay have enabled us to purchase incredibly useful items of additional equipment, such as night vision glasses. Crew welfare is of paramount importance to us and this money fund raised for us will continue to significantly benefit all of our volunteer team.”
Park owner, Patrick Langmaid, said, “We started the beach barbecues back in 2017 to raise money specifically for the Padstow Lifeboat Crew Fund. In the summer holidays we hold them every Wednesday evening to co-incide with the practise boat launches which the RNLI carry out around 6pm.
“Wednesday night beach barbecues and the launches have become a bit of a tradition and a highlight for many of our guests staying at our Holiday Park,” he added.
The iconic Padstow Lifeboat Station at Trevose Head, seen across the bay from Mother Ivey’s beach, is a daily reminder to everyone at the park of the fantastic work done by the RNLI. As well as the collecting tin in reception, the park works with local butcher, Gary Dutton, who runs the mouth-watering barbecues throughout the summer. Patrick values the work of Gary and his team, and, of course, for the delicious food they cook every week for the park’s guests.
Patrick and his family respect and appreciate the valuable work of the volunteer lifeboat crews who provide a 24-hour rescue service. “Giving back and investing in our local community gives heart to our business,” says Patrick.