Ivey's Blog
Mother Ivey’s Bay is ‘Good to go’

Explore, Discover and Remember
We might have had to change a few things this summer and our teams might be wearing face masks and gloves but we’re still here to help you enjoy a wonderful family holiday.
Keeping everyone safe and well is our absolute number one priority and whilst we have been closed, we’ve used the time to review our procedures and found new ways of operating as a business. We’ve been working hard on a rigorous re-opening plan that balances hygiene, health and happiness for our guests, team and local community.
Our check-in procedures have been streamlined to minimise the amount of person – to person contact. Car permits will be issued at our main gate from ‘Ivey’ our campervan and customers will then continue to their holiday caravan without leaving their cars. We will ensure that we have everyone’s details to help with the track and trace process if necessary.
Your accommodation will be cleaned and sanitised to the Covid ready guidelines from the government and the BH&HPA and we have registered and met the conditions for the ‘We’re Good to Go’ scheme created by Visit Britain. All staff will wear appropriate PPE and we have added an extra hour to our meticulous cleaning schedule to ensure each caravan is appropriately sanitised.
We are not opening our touring fields at Mother Ivey’s Bay for July to reduce our occupancy levels so there will be less people on site at any one time which will give everyone more space to socially distance and make it more enjoyable for all.